Handmade Soap: A Niche Market In Skincare

Handmade Soap: A Niche Market In Skincare

Handmade soap is a specialized segment in the skincare industry that provides numerous benefits for your skin and the environment. Here, you will discover the differences between handmade and commercial soap and how to select the most suitable handmade soap for your requirements.


Handmade soap is a niche skincare market offering natural & eco-friendly products. Unlike mass-produced soap, handmade soap is made with high-quality ingredients that nourish & protect the skin. Handmade soap also has a variety of scents, colors, & shapes to suit different preferences.


Read on to learn the fantastic world of handmade soap and how it may transform your skincare routine.

What is Handmade Soap, and How is it Different from Commercial Soap?

Handmade soap is crafted in small batches using traditional methods that often involve mixing oils, fats, and lye (sodium hydroxide) to create a chemical reaction known as saponification. This process forms soap and glycerin, a natural byproduct that helps moisturize the skin. Handmade soap makers typically use high-quality ingredients such as plant-based oils, essential oils, and botanical additives to create unique formulations with various skincare benefits. Learn how to make a new bar of soap from used bars here.


On the other hand, commercial soap is mass-produced using mechanized processes and often contains synthetic detergents, preservatives, and artificial fragrances. Commercial soap manufacturers prioritize efficiency and cost-effectiveness, which may lead to using cheaper ingredients and removing glycerin during production. As a result, commercial soap may be harsher on the skin and lack the moisturizing properties of handmade soap.


The main difference between handmade and commercial soap is their formulations and production methods. Handmade soap offers a more personalized and artisanal approach, focusing on natural ingredients and skincare benefits. In contrast, commercial soap prioritizes mass production and cost efficiency, sometimes at the expense of quality and skin health. Learn how to make soap. Here is a step-by-step guide on making and selling soap.



The Benefits of Handmade Soap for Your Skin and Health

Handmade soap offers several benefits for skin health and overall well-being. Firstly, handmade soap is often crafted using natural, high-quality ingredients such as plant-based oils, essential oils, and botanical extracts. These ingredients nourish the skin, helping moisturize, soothe, and soften dry or irritated skin.


Find our best selection of activated charcoal soap for acne-prone skin here.


Additionally, handmade soap retains glycerin, a natural byproduct of the soap-making process. Glycerin is a humectant that attracts moisture to the skin, helping keep it hydrated and supple. Unlike commercial soaps, which often remove glycerin to extend shelf life, handmade soap retains this valuable ingredient, resulting in a gentler and more moisturizing cleansing experience. 


Moreover, handmade soap is typically free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and preservatives commonly found in commercial soaps. This makes it suitable for sensitive skin or allergies who may experience irritation or adverse reactions to certain ingredients. Find 10 more amazing benefits of organic soaps here.


Handmade soap makers often prioritize natural and organic ingredients, making their products safer and healthier skin care choices. Overall, handmade soap may contribute to healthier, more radiant skin while minimizing exposure to potentially harmful chemicals commonly found in commercial skincare products.



Does soap fall under skincare?

Yes, soap falls under the category of skincare. Skincare encompasses products and practices intended to cleanse, moisturize, treat, and protect the skin. Soap is a fundamental skincare product for cleansing the skin by removing dirt, oil, and impurities. It helps maintain skin hygiene and may contribute to overall skin health.


Although the primary purpose of soap is cleansing, some soap manufacturers incorporate additional skincare benefits. For example, moisturizing soaps may contain glycerin or shea butter to hydrate and soften the skin. Some soaps may also incorporate exfoliating agents such as oatmeal or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to help slough off dead skin cells and promote smoother skin texture.

Does handmade soap need FDA approval?

Handmade soap typically does not require FDA approval before being sold to consumers. The FDA regulates cosmetics, including soap, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).  Find 7 common mistakes to avoid when making liquid soap here. According to the act, soap is exempt from FDA approval if it meets specific criteria, such as being composed primarily of alkali salts of fatty acids and not making claims beyond cleansing.


However, handmade soap makers must still comply with FDA regulations regarding labeling, ingredient safety, and manufacturing practices. This includes:


  • Accurately listing ingredients on the product label.
  • Ensuring the soap is safe for consumer use.
  • Following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to maintain product quality and safety standards.


Check our top-quality private-label kojic acid + arbutin soap for brightening & glowing here.


While handmade soap may not require FDA approval, soap makers are responsible for ensuring their products meet regulatory requirements and are safe for consumer use. Handmade soap makers need to stay informed about FDA regulations and comply with applicable guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of their products.



Is selling homemade soap profitable?

Selling homemade soap may be profitable, but success depends on product quality, market demand, pricing strategy, and marketing efforts. Handmade soap has gained popularity among consumers seeking natural, artisanal skincare products, creating opportunities for homemade soap makers to enter the market and differentiate their offerings.


One advantage of selling homemade soap is the potential for higher profit margins compared to mass-produced soaps. Homemade soap makers may achieve favorable profit margins by sourcing ingredients in bulk, minimizing overhead costs, and selling directly to consumers through online platforms or local markets.


However, it's essential to consider the competitive landscape and target market preferences when starting a homemade soap business. Investing in product development, branding, and marketing may help differentiate your soap from competitors and attract customers willing to pay a premium for handmade, quality skincare products. 


Additionally, building a loyal customer base through excellent customer service and consistent product quality may contribute to long-term profitability in the homemade soap business.


Find our collection of the best glutathione soap for skin whitening here.

How do I market soap?

To effectively market soap, it's essential to identify your target audience and understand their preferences and needs. Consider whether you're targeting individuals seeking natural, handmade skincare products or those looking for specific benefits such as moisturizing, exfoliating, or sensitive skin care. Tailoring your marketing messages and product offerings to meet the needs of your target market will help attract and retain customers. Learn how to start a soap business in 9 steps here.


Utilize various marketing channels to reach your audience, including online platforms such as social media, e-commerce websites, and your website or blog. Engage with potential customers by sharing informative content about your soap ingredients, production process, and skincare benefits. Use visually appealing images and videos to showcase your products and create a cohesive brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Find 31 ways to market your soap business here.


Consider participating in local markets, craft fairs, or pop-up events to introduce your soap to a broader audience and connect with customers face-to-face. Offering samples, demonstrations, or special promotions may generate interest and encourage trial purchases. Collaborate with influencers, bloggers, or other local businesses to expand your reach and leverage their networks to promote your soap products. Building solid customer relationships and creating memorable experiences foster brand loyalty and drive repeat purchases. 


Can you sell soap without a label?

In most cases, soap of sale without a label is not recommended. Labeling requirements for soap vary depending on the country and jurisdiction, but generally, legal and safety considerations necessitate proper labeling. Labels provide essential information to consumers, including the list of ingredients, directions for use, and any warnings or precautions. Learn whether soap is bad for the skin here.


Labeling soap products appropriately may result in legal consequences and erode consumer trust. Proper labeling ensures transparency and helps consumers make informed decisions about the products they purchase and use. Additionally, accurate labeling is necessary for compliance with regulatory requirements and standards governing cosmetic products.


Find our high range of wholesale best turmeric & vitamin C brightening soap for dark spots here.


Before selling soap products, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the labeling regulations applicable to your location and ensure that your products meet all requirements. This may include consulting with regulatory authorities or seeking guidance from legal experts to ensure compliance with labeling laws and regulations.



Choose the Right Handmade Soap for Your Skin Type and Needs

Choosing the suitable handmade soap for your skin type and needs involves considering several factors:


  • Identify your skin type
  • Read the ingredient list
  • Consider additional skincare benefits
  • Test it out
  • Seek recommendations


Choosing the suitable handmade soap involves selecting a formulation that aligns with your skin type, preferences, and skincare needs while prioritizing natural, high-quality ingredients and avoiding potentially irritating or harmful additives. Find 12 reasons to use natural soap here.




In conclusion, handmade soap offers numerous benefits for skin health and overall well-being, featuring natural ingredients, moisturizing properties, and gentle formulations. Handmade soap prioritizes quality and skincare benefits, unlike commercial soap, which may contain harsh chemicals.

While selling homemade soap may be profitable, complying with labeling regulations and implementing effective marketing strategies to reach your target audience is crucial. Choosing the suitable handmade soap involves considering your skin type, preferences, and skincare needs, ensuring a personalized and practical cleansing experience.


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