Let me tell you the basic criteria for making organic skin care products

Let me tell you the basic criteria for making organic skin care products


Want to care for your skin the natural way? If yes, then you are in the right place. This article will describe the essential criteria for making organic skin care products at home. The global organic skincare market will reach USD 25.11 billion by 2025. Let's get started!


The basic criteria for making organic skin care products are:

  • Use natural, plant-based ingredients that are certified organic
  • Avoid synthetic-modified ingredients that may harm the skin
  • Follow proper hygiene when preparing and storing the products
  • Customize the products according to your skin type


If you are interested in making organic skin care products, this article is beneficial and informative. Read on to discover how you may create organic skin care products that are good for your skin.


What are organic skin care products?

According to my research, manufacturers make organic skin care products using natural, plant-based, or mineral ingredients that are certified as organic or wildcrafted. Farmers grow the ingredients without using synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms and harvest them in a way that respects the environment and the local communities. Organic skin care products benefit both your skin and the planet, as they are free of harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients that may harm your skin or the environment. They are also more gentle and compatible with your skin, containing nutrients, antioxidants, and essential oils that nourish, protect, and repair your skin. As an expert in skincare, I have been making organic skin care products for over 20 years, and I may tell you that they are the best choice for your skin care needs.


However, making organic skin care products also comes with some challenges. One of the main challenges is to ensure the quality and safety of the ingredients and the products. You need to source the ingredients from reliable and ethical suppliers and follow strict standards and regulations for organic certification. It would help if you were careful about the shelf life and stability of the products, as organic ingredients are more prone to spoilage and degradation. You must use proper preservation methods and packaging to prevent contamination and oxidation. Another challenge is to create effective and customized products that suit your skin type, needs, and preferences. It would help if you combined them in the right proportions and formulations. You must also test and adjust the products to ensure they work well for your skin. Find 6 steps to create a skincare product here.



How do you choose the best ingredients for organic skin care products?

Choosing the best ingredients for organic skin care products is more complex than picking the ones that sound the most natural or appealing. It would help if you considered several factors, such as:

The quality and safety of the ingredients: 

You want to use ingredients that are certified organic or wildcrafted, meaning they are grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and harvested in a way that respects the environment and the local communities. You also want to avoid contaminated, adulterated, or expired ingredients. You may check the ingredient labels, certificates, and batch numbers to verify their origin and quality. You may also use third-party testing services to ensure the purity and potency of the ingredients. Find top skincare ingredient suggestions for all skin types here.

The function and compatibility of the ingredients: 

You want to use ingredients that have proven benefits for your skin type, needs, and preferences. You also want to use ingredients that work well together without causing adverse reactions or interactions. You may research the properties and functions of each ingredient and how they affect different skin conditions and concerns. Find the ultimate guide to different skin types here. You may also do a patch test before using any new ingredient or product to check for allergies or sensitivities.

The ethics and sustainability of the ingredients: 

You want to use ingredients sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers who respect the rights and welfare of the workers, the animals, and the plants involved in the production process. You also want to use ingredients that have a low environmental impact and do not contribute to deforestation, habitat loss, or climate change. You may look for certifications, such as Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, or Cruelty-Free, that indicate the social and environmental standards of the suppliers. You may also support local and organic farmers and producers, who often have more transparent and responsible practices.




Some examples of natural, plant-based, or mineral ingredients that are certified organic or wildcrafted and that you may use for organic skin care products are:

Aloe vera: 

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with soothing, hydrating, and healing properties. It may help moisturize, calm, and repair dry, irritated, or inflamed skin. It may also help treat acne, sunburn, wounds, and scars. You may use aloe vera gel or juice as a base for your products or as an ingredient in moisturizers, toners, masks, or serums. Learn the benefits of aloe vera here.

Shea butter: 

Shea butter is a fat extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It has moisturizing, nourishing, and protective properties. It may help soften, smooth, and condition dry, rough, or cracked skin. It may also help prevent moisture loss, reduce inflammation, and improve elasticity. You may use shea butter in creams, lotions, balms, or butter.

Jojoba oil: 

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant. It has moisturizing, balancing, and cleansing properties. It may help regulate oil production, unclog the pores, and remove the impurities from the skin. It may also help hydrate, nourish, and protect the skin barrier. You may use jojoba oil as a carrier oil for your products or as an ingredient in cleansers, moisturizers, or makeup removers. Find 13 proven benefits of jojoba oil for skin here.

Lavender oil: 

Lavender oil is an essential oil distilled from the flowers of the lavender plant. It has calming, soothing, and antibacterial properties. It may help relax, de-stress, and uplift the mood. It may also help treat acne, infections, burns, and wounds. You may use lavender oil as an ingredient in aromatherapy products, toners, sprays, or creams. Find the magical benefits of lavender oil for the skin here.

Green tea: 

Green tea is a beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. It may help fight free radicals, reduce redness, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Find different types of wrinkles here. It may also help protect the skin from sun damage and environmental stressors. You may use green tea as an ingredient in masks, scrubs, or lotions.

Sourcing High-Quality Organic Ingredients

Sourcing high-quality organic ingredients is one of the most important aspects of making organic skincare products. As an expert in Amarrie, I have been sourcing organic ingredients for over the years, and I would like to share some of the strategies I use to ensure the quality and authenticity of the ingredients.


Research the origin and certification of the ingredients:

 Before buying any ingredient, I constantly research where it comes from, how it is grown, harvested, and processed, and its certifications. I look for certified organic or wildcrafted ingredients, meaning they are grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and harvested in a way that respects the environment and the local communities. I also look for certifications that indicate the social and environmental standards of the suppliers, such as Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, or Cruelty-Free.


Verify the quality and safety of the ingredients: 

After receiving the ingredients, I always verify their quality and safety by conducting rigorous testing and analysis. I use advanced testing methods like chromatography and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis to check the ingredients' purity, potency, and authenticity. I also check the ingredient labels, certificates, and batch numbers to ensure they are not contaminated, adulterated, or expired.

Store and handle the ingredients properly: 

To maintain the quality and freshness of the ingredients, I store and handle them properly. I use clean, dry, and airtight containers to keep the ingredients and label them with the name, date, and expiration date. I store the ingredients in a cool, dark, and dry place, away from heat, light, and moisture. I also follow proper hygiene and safety measures when handling the ingredients, such as washing my hands, wearing gloves, and using sanitized tools.


These are some strategies I use to source high-quality organic ingredients for my organic skincare products. By following these strategies, I may use the best ingredients for my products and deliver exceptional products to my customers.



Quality Control Measures in B2B Organic Skincare Production 

Quality control measures are essential for ensuring organic skincare products' safety, efficacy, and consistency in the B2B market. I want to share some of the critical aspects of quality control in organic skincare production.


  • Quality control starts from the selection and verification of the raw materials and packaging materials. We source our ingredients and materials from certified organic or wildcrafted suppliers who follow ethical and sustainable practices. We also test the quality and safety of the ingredients and materials using advanced methods, such as chromatography and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis, to ensure their purity, potency, and authenticity.
  • Quality control continues throughout production, from formulation to packaging and labeling. We follow strict standards and regulations for organic certification, such as COSMetic Organic and Natural Standard (COSMOS), Natural Attitude Toward Urban Recreational Environment in Governmental (NATRUE),  International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16128, Ecolabel, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). We also monitor and control the production parameters, such as temperature, pH, viscosity, and stability, to ensure product consistency and performance. We use clean, dry, and airtight containers to store and package our products and label them with accurate and transparent information.
  • Quality control also involves testing and evaluating the finished products before releasing them to the market. We conduct various tests, such as microbial testing, stability testing, and performance testing, to assess the safety and effectiveness of our products. We also conduct user surveys and focus groups to collect feedback and suggestions from our customers and consumers. We use this data to improve our products and services.


These are some quality control measures we use in our organic skincare production. By following these measures, we may ensure that we deliver high-quality and safe products to our B2B clients and the end-users. 



How do you prepare and store organic skin care products?

Preparing and storing organic skin care products may be a rewarding and fun experience, but it also requires some knowledge and care. I have been making and selling organic skin care products for over the years, and I would like to share some tips with you on how to do it properly.


First, you must have a clean and sanitized workspace and equipment. You may use hot water, soap, alcohol, or bleach to wash and disinfect your tools, containers, and surfaces. It would help to wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the ingredients and products. This will help prevent any contamination or spoilage of your products.


Second, you must use distilled or boiled water substitutes for water-based products like lotions, toners, or masks. Tap water or spring water may contain bacteria, minerals, or chlorine that may affect the quality and safety of your products. You may also use hydrosols, aloe vera gel, witch hazel extract, tea infusions, or vegetable glycerine as alternatives to water. These ingredients have additional benefits for your skin, such as hydration, soothing, or cleansing.


Third, you need to use antioxidants and preservatives to extend the shelf life of your products. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E oil, rosemary extract, or grapefruit seed extract, may help prevent the oxidation and rancidity of your oil-based products, such as balms, butter, or serums. Preservatives, such as alcohol, citric acid, or sodium benzoate, may help prevent the growth of microbes and fungi in your water-based products. You may also use natural preservatives, such as essential oils, honey, or salt, but synthetic ones may be less effective or more stable.




Fourth, you need to store your products in appropriate containers and conditions. You may use glass, metal, or plastic containers, but ensure they are clean, dry, and airtight. You also need to label your products with the name, ingredients, date of production, and expiration date. You should store your products in a cool, dark, and dry place, away from heat, light, and moisture. You may also refrigerate some of your products, such as creams, gels, or masks, to prolong their freshness.


Fifth, you need to test and monitor your products regularly. You should always do a patch test before using any new product or ingredient on your skin to check for allergies or sensitivities. You should also observe your products' appearance, smell, and texture and discard them if they change color, smell bad, or separate. You should also follow your products' recommended usage and shelf life and avoid using them beyond their expiration date.


These are some basic steps to prepare and store organic skin care products. By following these tips, you may ensure that you are creating high-quality and safe products for yourself and your customers. Read this also how to make natural skincare products here.


Formulation Strategies for B2B Organic Skincare Products

Formulation strategies for B2B organic skincare products are the methods and techniques that I use to create effective, safe, and appealing products for my clients. I would like to share some of the critical aspects of my formulation strategies with you.


  • I start with a clear goal and a target market for each product. I identify the purpose, benefits, and features of the product and the needs, wants, and preferences of the potential customers. I research the market trends, customer feedback, and competitor analysis to find the gaps and opportunities in the market. I also consider the regulatory and certification requirements for the product, such as COSMetic Organic and Natural Standard (COSMOS), Natural Attitude Toward Urban Recreational Environment in Governmental (NATRUE), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (ISO) 16128, Ecolabel, or U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • I choose the best ingredients and recipes for the product. I source high-quality organic or wildcrafted ingredients from reliable and ethical suppliers and verify their quality and safety using advanced testing methods. I use a natural skincare ingredient guide or search for recipes online to find the best ingredients and recipes for the product. I also consider the ingredients' function, compatibility, and synergy and how they affect the product's performance, stability, and sensory attributes.
  • I test and adjust the product for optimal results. I use a digital scale, a measuring cup, a thermometer, and a pH meter to measure and control the quality and consistency of the product. I conduct various tests, such as microbial testing, stability testing, and performance testing, to assess the safety and effectiveness of the product. I also conduct user surveys and focus groups to collect my clients' and consumers' feedback and suggestions. I use this data to improve and refine the product until it meets the goal and the market expectations.
  • I package and label the product attractively and accurately. I use clean, dry, and airtight containers to store and package the product and choose the appropriate size, shape, color, and material for the container. I also design and print the product labels, including the name, ingredients, date, expiration date, and other relevant information. I ensure that the product's packaging and labeling comply with the product's regulations and standards and reflect my client's brand identity and values.


These are some formulation strategies I use for B2B organic skincare products. By following these strategies, I may create high-quality and customized products for my clients and help them grow their organic skincare business.



How can organic skin care products be customized according to skin type, needs, and preferences?

One advantage of making organic skin care products is that you may customize them according to your skin type, needs, and preferences. I have been helping customers create their custom-branded line of personal care products over the years, and I would like to share some tips with you on how to do it yourself. 

First, you need to identify your skin type and concerns. There are five main skin types: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Each skin type has different characteristics, such as moisture level, oil production, pore size, and sensitivity. It would help if you also considered your skin concerns, such as acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, redness, or dullness. You may use a simple skin type quiz or consult a dermatologist to determine your skin type and concerns. Find how to determine skin type here.


Second, you must choose the ingredients and recipes that suit your skin type and concerns. Different ingredients have different properties and functions that may benefit or harm your skin. For example, dry skin needs moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, such as shea butter, jojoba oil, or hyaluronic acid. Oily skin needs balancing and cleansing ingredients, such as clay, witch hazel, or tea tree oil. Sensitive skin needs soothing and gentle ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, or oatmeal. You may use a natural skin care ingredient guide or search for recipes online for the best ingredients and recipes for your skin type and concerns. Find top skincare ingredient suggestions for all skin types here.


Third, you need to test and adjust the products for optimal results. Before using any new product or ingredient on your face, you should always do a patch test on your inner arm or behind your ear to check for allergies or sensitivities. You should also observe the effects of the products on your skin and adjust the ingredients, proportions, or formulations as needed. You may use a digital scale, a measuring cup, a thermometer, and a pH meter to measure and control the quality and consistency of your products. You may also use a skin analyzer or a skin diary to track and evaluate the changes in your skin over time. Find how to patch-test your skin here.


These are essential steps to customize organic skin care products according to your skin type, needs, and preferences. Following these tips, you may create organic skin care products tailored to your skin and goals. 


Certifications and Standards for Organic Skincare Products

If you are making or selling organic skincare products, you should obtain some certifications and standards that may prove the quality and credibility of your products. I would like to share some of the most important ones with you.

COSMetic Organic and Natural Standard (COSMOS): 

This is one of the most popular and widely recognized certifications for natural and organic cosmetics worldwide. Five leading European organic certification bodies created it, with strict criteria for the ingredients, production, packaging, and labeling of cosmetic products. COSMOS has two levels of certification: COSMOS Organic, which requires at least 95% of the ingredients to be organic, and COSMOS Natural, which needs at least 98% of the ingredients to be natural. Learn the guidelines of COSmetic organic and natural standards here.


Natural Attitude Toward Urban Recreational Environment in Governmental (NATRUE)

This is another leading certification for natural and organic cosmetics, especially in Germany and other European countries. It was created by an international non-profit association of natural and organic cosmetics manufacturers, and it has three levels of certification: NATRUE Organic, which requires at least 95% of the ingredients to be organic; NATRUE Natural, which needs at least 75% of the ingredients to be natural, and NATRUE Natural with Organic Portion, which requires at least 70% of the ingredients to be born and at least 95% of the natural ingredients to be organic.


International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 16128 is a set of international standards for the definitions and criteria of natural and organic cosmetic ingredients and products. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed it, offering a common framework and terminology for the cosmetic industry. One maynot receive a certification or label from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16128, but it may be a reference point or support for other certifications and standards. Find the benefits of international standards (ISO) here.


This is a certification for environmental excellence for products and services in the European Union. The European Commission established it, covering various categories, including cosmetics. Ecolabel requires the products to meet high environmental performance standards, such as reducing water and energy consumption, minimizing waste and emissions, and using renewable and biodegradable ingredients. Find out why you choose organic cosmetic products with ecolabels here.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): 

This is a certification for organic agriculture and products in the United States. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) established it, covering various categories, including cosmetics. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires the products to meet the National Organic Program (NOP) regulations, which include using at least 95% organic ingredients, avoiding synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other prohibited substances, and following strict production and handling practices. Learn the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) roles and responsibilities here.


These are some of the most important certifications and standards for organic skincare products. By obtaining these certifications and standards, you may demonstrate your commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability and gain the trust and loyalty of your customers. 




Making organic skin care products is a rewarding and eco-friendly way of taking care of your skin. You may create safe, effective, and affordable products by following the essential criteria of choosing, preparing, storing, and customizing organic ingredients. How do you feel about making your organic skin care products? 


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